This is my website that showcases all the things that inspire me.

The things I create, dream and things I want to do and become. Follow my story and see what I do next. I’m always up to something, learning new things, trying, failing, and conquering. This is my story.

I recently turned 40 and this is the year I started to surf and publish apps to the Google Play store. These have been on my bucket list for some time.

I have new things I’m going to be unleashing this next year I will be excited to announce. I hope to share them with you as you continue with me on my journey.



Jennifer Aquino
Wearer of many hats, part-time superhero and motivator to kick some ass.

Freelance Website Designer/ Graphic Designer/ Programmer with Business Design Innovations

Founder of Just Keep Moving Motivation

Founder of Its Julies World

Co/Owner of Carisma Mobile Car Wash & Detail

Young at heart mother, daughter, wife and friend